Прашања за провека на познавање на странски јазик (Англиски високо ниво)


English for Category B of administration servants (B1)


Directions. Each question consists of an incomplete sentence.

Three words or phrases, marked (A),  (B),  (C), are given beneath each sentence.

You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.



1. Most of us like to have something in _______ with our friends.

a)     good

b)     normal

c)      common


2. The way you dress can   _______out signals saying  'Look at me!'

a)     send

b)     tell

c)      do


3. If you want to make an  _______ on your friends, you could design your own clothes.

a)     expression

b)     impression

c)      interest


4. _______  food is OK once  in a while, I suppose, but not all the time.

a)     Junk

b)     Quick

c)      Easy


5. I can’t _______ people who think they are better than anyone else at sports.

a)     get

b)     know

c)      stand 


6. Sometimes, playing sport is like a(n) ______ , you can’t stop!

a)     addiction

b)     performance 

c)      operation


7. We didn’t know who was inside, so we opened the door _______.

a)     fairly 

b)     certainly

c)      silently


8. The bank’s new burglar alarm was   _______ expensive.

a)     lovely

b)     pretty

c)      nicely 


9. I’m sorry I’m   _______ late! The bus broke down.

a)     very

b)     not

c)      not too


10. We are going to see the detective film _______ .

a)     tomorrow

b)     lately

c)      yesterday


11. A _______ can spend many days working in court.

a)     lawyer

b)     singer

c)      teacher


12. There isn’t enough _______ to decide who committed the crime.

a)     fact  

b)     opinion

c)      evidence


13. The  _______ to find the thief took over a year.

a)     detective

b)     investigation

c)      police


14. Is your friend interested _______ music?

a)     in

b)     at

c)      to


15. Your sister has a great _______ ! And she’s really attractive, too!

a)     personality

b)     personal 

c)      person


16. I think you should be more polite. You shouldn't be so  _______ to get what you want.

a)     aggressive

b)     aggressing

c)      aggressor


17. Sara feels scared when the plane _______ .

a)     takes off

b)     starts from the ground

c)      leaves off the ground


18. If you want to go to the concert, you have to _______ a seat quite early.

a)     buying  

b)     buy

c)      book


19. Just as we were going _______ the museum, the guide told us it was closed.

a)     across

b)     into 

c)      at


20. Simon ran from the ground floor all the way _______ to the fifth floor.

a)     up

b)     in

c)      down


21. Last summer our friends John and George _______ to the water park four times.

a)     go

b)     went

c)      gone  


22. I’ll meet you on the corner of Front Street and Park Road _______ 9 p.m.

a)     in

b)     on

c)      at


23. All  the employees   _______ in the stamp-collecting event.

a)     participated

b)     visited

c)      went


24. While the students_______  to the lecture, the air conditioning went off!

a)     are listening

b)     were listening

c)      had listened


25. Carol’s having her birthday party at the ice-skating _______ .

a)     rink

b)     ring

c)      pitch


26. I’ll never forget that awful weekend! It was the _______ experience of my life!

a)     best

b)     worst

c)      worse


27. This NGO often _______ university students over the summer holidays.

a)     takes up

b)     takes in

c)      takes over


28. Daniel has always been  _______ reading books.

a)     keen  on

b)     good on 

c)      crazy on


29. Jane is really _______ at speaking English.

a)     famous

b)     interested

c)      good


30. My neighbour wants to be famous _______ discovering a new planet.

a)     for

b)     of 

c)      at


31. This week my brother and I _______ been learning  how to play tennis.

a)     has

b)     have

c)      were


32. _______ you enjoy your trip to Paris last month?

a)     Were

b)     Did

c)      Have


33. You haven’t sent me an email _______ you got back from your vacation.

a)     just

b)     when 

c)      since  


34. Skiing is a _______ demanding sport but one could try it on weekends.

a)     physically  

b)     healthy

c)      mental


35. As soon as the rain _______ , they will set off.

a)     stopped

b)     will stop

c)      stops


36. What would you like to eat? Umm, I think _______ only coffee, actually.

a)     I’ll be having

b)     I have

c)      I’ll have


37. Phone me as soon as you _______ .

a)     are arriving

b)     arrive

c)      will arrive


38. Dina is so _______ - she’s always looking in the mirror.

a)     cheeky

b)     vain

c)      jealous


39. It’s very _______ that Mark has to leave this job.

a)     annoyed

b)     sad

c)      depressed 


40. Will all_______ for the job please come to an interview on 10th September.

a)     applicants  

b)     applications

c)      trainee


41. Any job requires a certain amount of _______ .

a)     commitment

b)     contract

c)      connection 


42. Marta is looking for a _______ job. She’s had enough of temporary ones.

a)     certain

b)     permanent 

c)      part-time


43. All workers have to take out medical _______ .

a)     insurance 

b)     impression

c)      advice


44. I’d like to _______ that course on film make-up. It must be really interesting.

a)     go

b)     attend

c)      accept


45. A _______ of the company will tell you all the details about our work.

a)     representing

b)     representative

c)      representation


46. What _______ do you need to become an electrical engineer?

a)     qualify

b)     qualifying

c)      qualifications 


47. As far as I’m  _______ it would be worth applying for.

a)     concern

b)     concerned 

c)      concerning


48. Sheila’s got an _______ to see someone in the Law Firm tomorrow.

a)     appoint 

b)     interview

c)      appointment


49. I’ll _______ the possibility of booking a holiday villa for the summer.

a)     look into

b)     looking into

c)      look of


50. My car’s broken down, but I can’t _______ what the problem is.

a)     work at

b)     work on

c)      work out


51. San Francisco never gets snowstorms, and San Diego_______ .

a)     does too

b)     doesn’t either

c)      isn’t either


52. You probably pick up a language most easily_______ it as a child outside a classroom.

a)     for learning

b)     to learn

c)      by learning


53. This beach is usually closed _______ rainy days.

a)     on

b)     while  

c)      at


54. Many countries face common social, economic and _______ problems.

a)     policy

b)     political

c)      politics


55. The best way to get from Tokyo to Yokohama quickly is by _______ .

a)     a trains 

b)     trains

c)      train


56. The government asked the locals to avoid _______ any water which had not been boiled.

a)     drinking

b)     to drink

c)      drink


57. Paula Benson did _______ excellent job while she was working for them.

a)     the

b)     Ø

c)      An


58. The Green Party offers a path _______ survival.

a)     from

b)     at

c)      towards


59. People want to make more profit _______ working on cars.

a)     with  

b)     for

c)      from


60. Ms Lucy Thomson _______ born in Canada.

a)     was

b)     has been

c)      is


61. Justin Leech _______ a successful manager of a very large company for seven years.

a)     will

b)     has been

c)      is


62. What _______ scientists and researchers use computers for?

a)     are

b)     do

c)      have


63. There are employees _______ only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.

a)     which

b)     that

c)      whose


64. I’ve been in this city for a long time. I _______ here sixteen years ago.

a)     came

b)     had come

c)      has come


65. Where is Jeff? He's _______.

a)     in his room is studying

b)     in his room studying

c)      studies in his room


66. Denmark has many attractions for children _______Tivoli Gardens and Lego Land.

a)     such

b)     for example

c)      such as


67. The whole team must _______ together in order to win the game.

a)     worked

b)     to work

c)      work


68. May I _______ you?

a)     help

b)     can help

c)      to help


69. The construction crew might _______ the bridge in time for the holiday traffic.

a)     finish

b)     finished

c)      to finish


70. Pat could _______ us to help her move.

a)     had asked

b)     have asked

c)      to have asked


71. I don't feel good. I _______ home from work tomorrow.

a)     staying

b)     will have stayed

c)      am staying


72. It's hot in here. Would you mind if I _______the window?

a)     to open

b)     opened

c)      can open


73. A memo was _______ by Alice.

a)     written

b)     writing

c)      wrote


74. The party _______ by Fred.

a)     will be planning

b)     will be planned

c)      will plan


75. Ms Grant _______at the University of London.

a)     is employed

b)     employed

c)      employing


76. Martha asked me where I _______.

a)     did live

b)     do you live

c)      lived


77. Eva asked John whether _______ her.

a)     he can help

b)     he could help

c)      he will help


78. Charles wanted to know when the final decision _______.

a)     they will make

b)     would be made

c)      will be made


79. Our friends told us that they_______ a good time.

a)     were having

b)     have

c)      will have


80. Ed said that he _______.

a)     is busy

b)     will be busy

c)      was busy


81. Who _______  the meeting yesterday?

a)     did attend

b)     attended

c)      attend


82. How many institutions _______ in Luxembourg?

a)     you visited

b)     did you visited

c)      did you visit


83. What _______  in New York?

a)     Betty did buy

b)     did Betty buy

c)      Betty bought


84. You have never met Bob Freeman, _______?

a)     did you

b)     have you

c)      haven’t you


85. That’s Rita, _______?

a)     is she

b)     isn’t it

c)      she is


86. This test was easy, _______?

a)     wasn’t it

b)     was it

c)      it was


87. You’ll be there, _______?

a)     would you not

b)     won’t you

c)      will you


88. Brian arrived in Chicago on time _______ he had missed the first flight.

a)     even though

b)     because

c)      nevertheless


89. George can’t ride his bicycle _______ there isn’t any air in one of the tyres.

a)     despite

b)     because

c)      although


90. The villagers refused to leave _______ their threatened food supply.

a)     in spite of

b)     but  

c)      because


91. Is Mexico City _______ Manchester?

a)     bigger then

b)     biggest than

c)      bigger than


92. Is English _______ language?

a)     the most difficult

b)     most difficult

c)      the most hardest


93. We _______ before we took the test yesterday.

a)     studyed 

b)     had studied

c)      were studying


94. The children _______ ball for the last two hours, but they don’t seem to be tired yet.

a)     have been playing

b)     play

c)      have playing


95. Professor Stein _______ international law in Hong Kong next semester.

a)     teaching

b)     will be teaching

c)      will teaching


96. The Toronto Symphony Orchestra plays their music _______ an audience.

a)     in front of

b)     next to

c)      besides


97. The English Channel is _______ England and France.

a)     among

b)     behind

c)      between


98. The river Thames in London flows _______ several bridges.

a)     above

b)     under

c)      over


99. Karen _______ for a job for ten months.

a)     has been looking

b)     looks

c)      is looking


100. Jill decided to give up her job. It was _______  mistake she has ever made.

a)     worst

b)     worse

c)      the worst


101. After she graduated from high school, she went on _____ architecture.

a)     studying

b)     to study

c)      studies


102. I have read _____ books than you have.

a)     less

b)     lower

c)      fewer


103. He _____ off his bike and broke his leg.

a)     felt

b)     fell

c)      felled


104. I think it's John at the door. No, it _____ be him, he's at work now.

a)     mustn't to

b)     must

c)      can't


105. I _____ for my friend at the bus stop when an ambulance suddenly arrived.

a)     waited

b)     am waiting

c)      was waiting


106. We've _____ returned from Paris; it was amazing.

a)     just

b)     yet

c)      already


107. Don't worry, I _____ you to the airport tonight if you want.

a)     will take

b)     take

c)      am taking


108. My doctor advised me _____ more exercise.

a)     doing

b)     to do

c)      do


109. This test paper _____ be mine; I can't remember if I signed it.

a)     mustn't

b)     might

c)      can


110. Brad _____ married since he was 19.

a)     is

b)     is being

c)      has been


111. Don't worry if I _____ late today; I have a meeting at work.

a)     will be

b)     would be

c)      am


112. I've got a terrible headache. Have you tried _____ some aspirin?

a)     to take

b)     take

c)      taking


113. Tennis is a sport _____ requires a lot of speed and fitness.

a)     it

b)     what

c)      that


114. She _____ living here for a couple of months so she hasn't made friends yet.

a)     had only been

b)     has only been

c)      is only


115. I was wondering _____ I could ask you for a favour.

a)     what

b)     if

c)      that


116. Will you wait for me? It depends _____ how long I'll have to wait.

a)     on

b)     of

c)      to


117. I finished my salad and I'm still hungry; I _____ ordered something more filling.

a)     should have

b)     must have

c)      may have


118. She _____ a very good impression at her job interview.

a)     put

b)     made

c)      did


119. This song always _____ me of my vacation in Spain.

a)     remembers

b)     reminds

c)      recognizes


120. It _____ when we left the house.

a)     is raining

b)     was raining

c)      rained


121. That's the restaurant _____ we had dinner last night.

a)     where

b)     that

c)      which


122. He _____ some French wine when he went to Paris.

a)     buyed

b)     bought

c)      was buying


123. Unfortunately we don't really get _____ very well with our neighbours.

a)     on

b)     by

c)      to


124. My brother always _____ baseball on Saturdays.

a)     play

b)     plays

c)      is playing


125. I _____ my lost keys when I was cleaning the car.

a)     was finding

b)     founded

c)      found


126. _____ I studied really hard, I didn't pass the exam.

a)     But

b)     Although

c)      So


127. My cousins _____ to visit me next week.

a)     are coming

b)     come

c)      coming


128. Come on, it's time _____.

a)     going

b)     to go

c)      we will go


129. Can you look _____ my fish this weekend while I'm away?

a)     after

b)     to

c)      at


130. My father _____ be an artist.

a)     use to

b)     used to

c)      was


131. I haven't finished reading the novel _____.

a)     yet

b)     already

c)      just


132. I can sing, but not as _____ as my sister.

a)     good

b)     better

c)      well


133. That's my money! Give _____!

a)     back them

b)     it back

c)      them back


134. Molly isn't very good _____.

a)     to draw

b)     in drawing

c)      at drawing


135. Canada isn't as big _____ Russia.

a)     as

b)     like

c)      than


136. You look tired; you _____ take a nap.

a)     would

b)     must to

c)      should


137. Cameras are not allowed in the museum; you _____ take pictures.

a)     don't have

b)     mustn't

c)      must not to


138. We _____ late and the wedding had already started.

a)     had arrive

b)     arrived

c)      have arrived


139. Your diet is terrible, you don't eat _____.

a)     enough vegetable

b)     many vegetables

c)      much vegetables


140. If we had enough money, we _____ call a taxi.

a)     could

b)     can

c)      will


141. We _____ married since 2006.

a)     have been

b)     are

c)      are being


142. You eat _____ chocolate, you need to cut down.

a)     too many

b)     too much

c)      very many


143. How _____ your last name?

a)     do you pronounce

b)     you pronounce

c)      is it pronounced


144. I'm so tired, I only got _____ hours of sleep.

a)     not many

b)     a few

c)      some


145. Your books are all over the floor. Why don't you _____?

a)     pick up them

b)     pick them

c)      pick them up


146. We _____ the hotel because we hadn't brought a map with us.

a)     couldn't find

b)     can't find

c)      hadn't find


147. She told me _____ name, but I can't remember it.

a)     hers

b)     her

c)      my


148. Tom _____ drive, but he does now.

a)     didn't used to

b)     used to

c)      didn't use to


149. I _____ French and Russian.

a)     speak

b)     am speaking

c)      can to speak


150. Where _____ from?

a)     does Elsa come

b)     does Elsa comes

c)      Elsa comes


151. Last summer we _____ to Italy.

a)     have gone

b)     went

c)      are going


152. What _____? I don't know, check in the dictionary.

a)     means this word

b)     is this word mean

c)      does this word mean


153. I _____ anything this weekend.

a)     wasn't done

b)     didn't do

c)      don't do


154. Are you _____ the party?

a)     enjoying at

b)     enjoying

c)      enjoying in


155. You look lovely; _____ a new shirt?

a)     did you wear

b)     are you wearing

c)      do you wear


156. Thank you! _____.

a)     OK

b)     You are welcome

c)      Nothing


157. She is _____ smart.

a)     such

b)     to

c)      so


158. They are the same age; they are _____ in the sixth grade.

a)     both

b)     either

c)      every


159. If you had left earlier, you _____ on time.

a)     will have arrived

b)     would have arrived

c)      would had arrived


160. They _____  asleep by the time we arrived

a)     felt

b)     had fallen

c)      have fallen


161. She _____ on a beach in Spain this time next week.

a)     will have lied

b)     will be lying

c)      will lie


162. If she _____ what kind of monster he was, she would have never married him.

a)     knew

b)     knows

c)      had known


163. You are fast, but she is _____ in the class.

a)     the fastest

b)     faster

c)      very fast


164. Nurses look _____ the patients in hospitals.

a)     after

b)     at

c)      for


165. Where _____? In London.

a)     you were

b)     you are

c)      were you


166. She _____ me to pack up and go.

a)     said

b)     told

c)      pleased


167. My aunt was born _____ 1965.

a)     in

b)     at

c)      on


168. We _____ here since 1994.

a)     live

b)     have lived

c)      are living


169. _____ to a rock concert?

a)     Have you ever been

b)     Did you ever be

c)      Were you ever been


170. Wait here _____ I get back.

a)     when

b)     for

c)      until


171. What is _____ TV tonight?

a)     on

b)     in

c)      at


172. I can't understand the instructions for this phone; they are _____ Chinese.

a)     on

b)     by

c)      in


173. 'Macbeth' is a play _____ William Shakespeare.

a)     by

b)     from

c)      with


174. I bought a lot of food because I _____ a meal for 12 people.

a)     am cook

b)     am cooking

c)      cook


175. I am going to bed now; I _____ be up early tomorrow.

a)     should to

b)     have to

c)      need


176. Why did you _____ that?

a)     told

b)     said

c)      say


177. _____ I had a bath I went to bed.

a)     Then

b)     After

c)      Soon as


178. I had read the book _____ I saw the movie.

a)     after

b)     then

c)      before


179. "You will have to go soon." She said I _____ go soon.

a)     would have to

b)     would had to

c)      had to


180. I didn't recognize her at first because she _____ her hair.

a)     has cut

b)     has had cut

c)      had cut


181. May I _____ your dictionary?

a)     lend

b)     give

c)      borrow


182. You must call me as soon as you _____ from them.

a)     hear

b)     are going to hear

c)      will hear


183. I hope to see you while I _____ here.

a)     will be

b)     am

c)      am going to be


184. I like to catch up on my reading _____ I am on holiday.

a)     while

b)     as soon

c)      after


185. After you _____ the book, may I have it?

a)     are going to finish

b)     have finished

c)      will finish


186. _____ the meeting is over, I will go home.

a)     As soon as

b)     Soon as

c)      Until


187. I _____ my essay 3 hours ago.

a)     finish

b)     finished

c)      have finished


188. My daughter is as tall _____ me.

a)     like

b)     than

c)      as


189. Traffic in London is worse _____ in Paris.

a)     than

b)     that

c)      as


190. There is the boy _____ broke the window.

a)     what

b)     which

c)      who


191. I lost my car keys; I looked _____, but I could not find them.

a)     somewhere

b)     everywhere

c)      anywhere


192. She will come to the party, _____?

a)     she will

b)     won't she

c)      will she


193. They have a swimming pool, _____?

a)     do they

b)     don't they

c)      have they


194. Have you got _____ homework over the weekend?

a)     much

b)     many

c)      a lot


195. She doesn't know _____ students yet; she is new.

a)     much

b)     lots

c)      many


196. Buy some bananas, please, we don't have _____.

a)     some

b)     none

c)      any


197. _____ of her friends are talking to her; they are all mad at her.

a)     Some

b)     None

c)      No


198. _____ we got home we played some video games.

a)     When

b)     Then

c)      Until


199. _____ the afternoon we went for a walk in the park.

a)     On

b)     At

c)      In


200. They will be done _____ 3 weeks.

a)     for

b)     in

c)      by